Lady k

"I draw and paint since my childhood. My first institutional order was the painting of the library of my class of CM2. I carried out my first authorized graffiti (indeed it is a nonsense) about the same period, when Dad offered to draw me on the toilet wallpaper because it was going to be changed.

I loved the Moderns, in my room, I had reproductions of Cézanne, Monet, Picasso. Around eleven years old I had a very clear idea of ​​what I wanted to do: be a painter (a bit like Picasso) and write a thesis.
Shortly after I discovered the tag and the graffiti. It was in the fifth year that I made my first tags on the car of the education counselor that no one liked.

My classmate K. had returned one day with a superb drawing given to her by her chilled lover, far too old for her. I immediately liked the letters and wanted to produce letters as well and even better. This is how I started to draw letters.

Everything related to letters interested me from then on: the NTM logo, the letters of Zantz in the city, typography and calligraphy.

It was from 97/98 that my field of research narrowed down to writing. His subversive aura, his anthropocentric aspect and his genre renewing painting appealed to me, as well as his “outsider” side attracted me, contemporary art textbooks spoke of the latest artistic trends such as bio art, everything that calls for latest technology, but hardly a word about writing. "

Lady K

Photo credits : Lady K